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Meet the team

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Hey, I'm Frazzle

My pronouns are he/him and I live in London, UK (correct - that's not near the ocean.)

5 years ago, I began my learning to surf journey.

I booked a surf camp abroad for 7 days, along with my boyfriend. Two days before our trip, I realized it was actually illegal to be homosexual in the country we were going to surf.


We took a risk, pretended to be friends on our holiday, and dealt with the daily anxiety of being outed. In that moment, I never wanted another LGBTQ+ surfer to feel the same way I did. Ever.


I'm passionate about protecting our oceans.

The more I've observed, the more barriers I have become aware of that exist in accessing our oceans, and surfing. Mixed in with how diversity is lacking within ocean related sports. 



The solution was obvious, create a community that promotes access to the oceans for under represented groups - to protect our ocean. Because the more people we can get into and enjoying the ocean. the more people willing to protect it. Enter, the Queer Surf Club.

I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions - you can email me directly via the contact button. 

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